Congratulations to the F. Donald Myers Education Center CTE Class of 2023!

So much attention has been given to the skills gap in the United States. The Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex (WSWHE) BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) program is pleased to be doing its part in closing that gap by preparing the next generation of skilled workers and industry innovators.

This year, 288 high school seniors received their completion certificates from the F. Donald Myers Education Center on June 15, 2023. The ceremony was held at the Saratoga City Center.

CTE staff have cultivated an environment of learning that is unparalleled. They’ve helped students to uncover their unique strengths and interests, and they’ve helped to develop critical skills, self-confidence, and a standard of excellence that shows through CTE students’ performance at career competitions. Many CTE students will go on to college, technical schools or get right into the workforce. 

The 2023 student speaker and Guidance Award Recipient from the New Visions Health Careers Exploration program, Sophia Fasolino, reminded the class about their dreams. 

“Remember ‘little you’. ‘Little you’ who had dreams bigger than anyone could ever imagine. ‘Little you’ who could stare at the stars for hours and never get bored.” She acknowledged that dreams change. “That’s life. Let them. You can always recenter yourself… Never lose the hope that ‘little you’ once had for the world.” said Fasolino. She ended by challenging her classmates. Challenged them to choose to rise, to take the hard path, to never let go and to never give up their dreams. 

WSWHE BOCES District Superintendent, Dr. Turina Parker, acknowledged the magnitude of the day’s celebration.

“You have achieved successes that may have once seemed out of reach. Take a deep breath and appreciate the journey that has brought you to this point. Because it is in the journey that we find joy, that we find fulfillment and that we learn…We applaud you, class of 2023,” said Dr. Parker.  

There were several awards given and scholarship winners as well. Three students received the Bill Benton Foundation scholarships. Three Benton family members were guests who presented the students with swag along with a personal congratulations. 

The ceremony was live streamed for family and friends who were unable to attend the in-person event. 

For more details about the ceremony and the list of students, see the links below: