27 Exceptional Learners Receive Completion Certificates

“You have worked hard, demonstrated perseverance, and believed in yourself. You are an inspiration to me on a daily basis. Each of you has had various obstacles to overcome and have shown resilience in order to achieve your accomplishment,” said Principal for Special Programs at the F. Donald Myers Education Center, Shawn Hunziker. “I would like to thank each of you for all that you have brought to the Myers Center during your time here. You have brought energy, laughter and a sense of community. Each of you has found a way to bring your passion to the school community.”

“Be confident as you enter the world of work, or move on to higher education. Be confident in your ability to succeed. Believe that you can, and will continue to achieve the goals that you set for yourselves,” said WSWHE BOCES District Superintendent Dr. Turina Parker as she addressed both groups of graduates.  

“While today marks the end of a chapter in your lives, it is only the beginning. You have your whole lives ahead of you to do great things – and you will! It starts here, and it ends with the power of positive thinking. Choose to make the right choices. Choose to always try your best, even when it’s hard. Choose to always believe in yourselves, as we all believe in you.”

“Remember, always believe in yourself! I believe in each and every one of you! You’ve done it! Keep doing it!” said Principal of Special Programs at the Southern Adirondack Education Center, Dr. Kerri Harrington. “Know that although your time with us seems so short, this experience is the beginning of many new and exciting adventures and accomplishments for you know matter where you go. You are and will always be a part of our school community and always welcome.”


At both the SAEC and Myers ceremonies, the Saratoga Adirondack BOCES Employee Association generously presented scholarships and awards to students.  

Students in the Exceptional Learners Division have many different and complex needs. The staff at the F. Donald Myers Education Center and Southern Adirondack Education Center provide them with an individualized education that truly serves them so they can grow, learn and be successful. 

Congratulations class of 2023! 

For a complete list of the graduates, click the center names here: Myers Program and SAEC Program

Click here to see the SAEC Ceremony photos on Facebook.

Click here to see the Myers Ceremony photos on Facebook.